Beginning in 2024 there will be two versions of this course.
You may have heard that, as of January 1, 2024, the state of Washington is requiring that all health care providers receive training in Health Equity. That does include chiropractic x-ray technicians, and the requirement for chiropractic x-ray technicians is 2 hours every four years. The two hours of Health Equity training can contribute to the total of 6 hours of continuing education that is required annually for chiropractic x-ray technicians in WA state.
Therefore, on a year that you need health equity training, you might want just 4 hours of continuing education in x-ray technology. For this reason we’ll be offering the usual 6 hour class, and we’ll also be offering a 4 hour version of the same class. Please know, though, that this will just omit the last two units, so you’ll miss some good material if you just take the 4-hour version.
- Anatomy and Standard Radiography
- Anatomy – basic vertebra
- Routine Patient Positioning
- Routine Patient Positioning
- APOM improvement: Plan A, Plan B, Plan C
- Neutral lateral improvement
- Routine Patient Positioning and X-ray quality
- Routine Views; improvement of flexion, extension, and obliques
- Quality Assessment
- Supplementary Cervical Spine Views
- Comments on Specific Upper Cervical Views
- Quality Affects Assessment, 1 of 2
- How x-ray quality enhances doctors’ capacity to interpret findings
- Variants and congenital anomalies
- Mechanical
- Disc abnormalities and degenerative processes
- Listhesis: antero- and retro-
- Quality affects assessment, 2 of 2
- Trauma: Fracture, dislocation, strains, sprains
- Ankylosing conditions: A.S. and DISH
- Bone tumors: Benign and metastatic
- Infection
- Other Cervical Spine Issues
- Extraspinal findings
- Surgical artifacts
- Advanced imaging
6-hour version contains Units 1-6.
4-hour version contains Units 1-4.