Continuing Education for Techs




6-hour C.E. class for techs. Doctors are also welcome to attend for C.E. credits.

6-Hour C.E. classes for experienced x-ray techs

These 6-hour courses are for x-ray technicians who have already completed the introductory training — they are not for the beginning student. Doctors may also take the courses for CE credit.

Current Course for the 2023-24 Academic Year:

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Radiographing the Cervical Spine

Previous years’ 6-hour courses are also still available:

The next new course, for the 2023-24 academic year, will be available around mid-October. It will again be offered online, as an on-demand video course. (Watch at your convenience, and no traveling necessary!) We do not have any in-person classes planned at this time.

As a chiropractic x-ray tech, your license expires each year on your birthday. You are required to take 6 hours of C.E. credit each year in order to renew your license.

Non-chiropractic x-ray techs have a 2-year license interval, and do not have a continuing education requirement, but are welcome to take the course!

If you’ve taken the 48-hour introductory class within the past year, and you’ve had a birthday after you received your initial license, you need to take 6 hours of CE before your next birthday.