Introductory X-Ray Training, 72 hours

Categories: , ,  •  CE CREDITS: 72


COURSE TOPICS: anatomydose & exposurefiltersimage qualitypatient managementpositioningsafety

This course, designed for beginning students, provides the necessary training for chiropractic x-ray technician certification in Washington state. (See the General FAQs tab).

The full course consists of 20 hours live online classroom via Zoom, and 30 hours in-house training, and 22 hours on-demand video (72 hours total).

See refund/rescheduling policy in the sidebar.

If the date you want is full, please send an email to get on the waiting list.


72-hr introductory x-ray training: Hybrid format

At the time of registering, each student must provide the name of the doctor who will conduct their in-house training.

Part 1: Online classroom via Zoom, taught live by Dr. Vlasuk

(20 hours) This is the foundation portion of the course, and the only part that has a scheduled date and time.

These live sessions will be offered approximately once a month. You have one year from your first day of Zoom class to complete the entire course and take the final exam.

Friday: 9am – 6pm
Saturday: 9am – 5pm
Sunday: 8:30am – 1:30pm

There will be 10-minute breaks every hour, and a 1-hour lunch on Friday & Saturday. On Sunday there will be breaks but no lunch.

Part 2: In-house, hands-on training, led by the doctor in your office (with instructor materials from Dr. Vlasuk)

(30 hours) The second part of the course takes place in your office, working with your own equipment. Typically, the chiropractor in your office will lead the in-person training, using a curriculum provided by Dr. Vlasuk. SEE NOTE BELOW

You can start this part of the course as soon as you complete Part 1. There’s no particular timeline to complete it, other than the one-year deadline described above.

Your sponsoring doctor should read these FAQs and apply to be an instructor.

Part 3: On-demand videos (developed and presented by Dr. Vlasuk) done at your own pace

(22 hours) These videos will go into more detail on topics introduced in Part 1, and also cover new topics. There are short quizzes after each module (every 1-3 hours) to measure your understanding of the material.

You are free to begin these videos as soon as you complete Part 1 of the course. Again, you have one year from your first day of Zoom class to complete these videos and take the exam.

course Final exam, online

After you complete all 72 hours, described above, you will be eligible for the course final exam. This exam will cover both the academic course material and your knowledge from the hands-on training.


At the time of registering, each student must provide the name of the doctor who will conduct their in-house training.

The doctor needs to be pre-approved by CQAC.

We’ve structured this course with the assumption that the doctor who is sending their employee to the class will be the one to conduct the in-house training. Each doctor must fill out our application to be an instructor for our course, and we will then forward the application to CQAC for approval.

If there are reasons that CQAC does not approve a doctor to be an instructor, there are a limited number of options:

  • If there’s an issue with your license you could simply wait until the matter is resolved with CQAC.
  • You could contact a chiropractic colleague to do the teaching. That doctor would have to fill out the same application and meet the same terms and be approved by CQAC. You would make your own arrangements with that person, completely independent from the course registration for your tech (mutually-agreeable compensation, or some kind of personal or professional trade, etc.).
  • You can contact CQAC for names of other providers of the 72-hour course, which might have a different structure. CQAC will not provide names of individual chiropractors who are approved to teach the 30-hour portion of our class, or make recommendations about how or where students can obtain this training. They will only provide a list of the approved 72-hour courses.


X-ray operators from non-chiropractic health care facilities are not required to have 72 hours of training, and can contact us about a shorter course option!

Also see the “Other Requirements” tab.


  • The Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission requires your presence at all 20 hours of this live classroom portion of the course. All 72 hours of the course are required in order to grant you a license.
  • You must attend the full duration of all Zoom classes. Any missed time must be made up at your own expense.
  • Your attendance will be monitored by seeing your face on screen the whole time class is in session. Attendance will be taken after each break (every hour).

Learning Space:

  • Arrange a learning space where you can focus on the class and not be interrupted.
  • Set up your learning space with light in front of your face, and avoid light behind you.
  • Taking this class on your phone is not permitted. You should ideally use a desktop or laptop computer, or at least an iPad-sized tablet.
  • Your device must have a functional camera and microphone.
  • You may not share a device, a Zoom account, or a learning space with a colleague who is also in the class.


  • Approach the class with a professional attitude, and take it seriously.
  • Sit up at a desk/table; no lounging or reclining.
  • No children/animals/other people may be present during class.
Also see the “Other Requirements” tab.

  • The course material assumes students will be comfortable with science and math topics at the middle school level — electrons and the basic structure of atoms; how energy travels in waves; how fractions work.
  • You must read and follow the written instructions that we send by email or that are in the course manual.
  • This live Zoom class is only 20 hours out of the 72 hours of the whole course. You must also complete the 30 hours of in-house training conducted by a doctor approved by CQAC, as well as the 22 hours of on-demand videos.
  • As of February 2021, HIV/AIDS training is no longer required for the x-ray technician certification.

If you have questions about any of this, please ask before you register!

Part 1: Live Zoom classroom

Friday-Saturday-Sunday (20 hours)

  • Introduction
  • Chiropractic X-ray technician registration
  • Terminology
  • Anatomy (introduction)
  • History
  • Nature of radiation
  • Equipment: Bucky, tube, detector, generator, control
  • Image formation, X-ray terminology, ID
  • Improving the Image (introduction):
    • Collimation
    • Anode heel effect
    • Filters and grids
  • X-ray Quality (introduction):
    • Density
    • Contrast
    • Definition
    • Distortion
  • Patient positioning: Preliminary issues
  • Patient management
  • Assignments for homework

Part 2: In-house training conducted by your doctor (30 hours)

  • Familiarize yourself with the equipment in your office
  • Practice positioning for producing skeletal and extremity x-rays
  • Practical exam on positioning and equipment competence

Part 3: On-demand videos at your own pace (22 hours)

Some of these topics are new information, and others are more in-depth versions of what was covered in the live Zoom class.

  • Terminology
  • Anatomy
  • Nature of radiation
  • Image formation, x-ray terminology, ID
  • Collimation and anode heel effect
  • Filters and grids
  • Radiographic density
  • Scale of contrast
  • Radiographic definition
  • Positional distortion
  • Radiation safety
  • Ethics and etiquette
  • Quality critique
  • How to apply for registration

After all 72 hours are completed:

Online course completion exam

    • 100 multiple-choice questions


    • Most people take about 40 minutes to complete the exam
    • A few are finished in 20 minutes
    • Maximum time allowed is 1.5 hours



What is the scope of this seminar?

State law requires that individuals using ionizing radiation have a certain core of knowledge about x-ray technology and radiation safety. Material presented in this class allows an excellent understanding of the factors necessary to create a good quality x-ray image in a safe manner. Also included is instruction in quality critique, patient management and all required legal issues related to the use of x-ray (see Syllabus tab).

Classroom academic material will be supplemented by the required 30 hours of in-person training in patient positioning. Our program is structured so that the “sponsoring doctor” — that is, the doctor sending the student to the class — will provide this hands-on training, using a curriculum that we provide. Doctors can review the FAQs here, and fill out the application to become an instructor.

Who is this course designed for?

The course is designed to meet the Washington state requirements for non-chiropractors to take x-rays in a chiropractic office.  It assumes no previous experience, and starts with the necessary basic concepts.

Personnel from non-chiropractic offices can contact us for a shorter training program.

Can I take the class if I'm not working in an office now?

No. You need to have access to x-ray equipment to complete the 30 hours of hands-on training, and you need a chiropractor to lead this part of the instruction.

My office uses a digital x-ray system. Is this class relevant for me?

Absolutely! Digital — both DR (no cassette) and CR (digital cassettes) — as well as film technology are covered in this class. In addition, whether you collect images on film or via digital detectors, there is a core of common information that needs to be learned. Understanding x-ray energy, exposure calculation, quality critique, radiation safety, and patient positioning apply to both film and digital technology.

Do I need any previous experience to take this course?

No. The course is designed to start from the beginning so that a newcomer can learn the necessary material.

Is this course appropriate for experienced x-ray techs?

Yes. Experienced techs are universally surprised at what they learn by attending. Many limited x-ray techs function by rote and do not really understand how to control film quality. No one is bored in this class!

How long is the course?

The entire course is 72 hours. including one weekend of live Zoom class (20 hours), in-house training led by your sponsoring doctor (30 hours), and online on-demand videos (22 hours). You must complete all 72 hours, and pass the final course exam, to qualify for the chiropractic x-ray technician license.

Why is the course this length?

In 1991 the Washington state Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission (CQAC, the chiropractic licensing board) enacted a 48-hour training requirement for chiropractic x-ray technicians. In 2023 CQAC passed a rule increasing the requirement to 72 hours, 30 of which must be done in person.

The development of seminars to provide training for chiropractic x-ray technicians was necessary to meet the terms of Washington state CQAC law. The 72-hour classes that provide this required training are the only available source of a condensed course in x-ray technology, short of a full 2-3 year college program.

Is this a 'chiropractic' course?

No, not specifically. X-ray is generic to all of health care, and the course is taught to cover the x-ray needs of all specialties. All necessary material for chiropractic x-ray technicians is covered, however, including upright patient positioning.

Non-chiropractic x-ray technicians do not have the 72-hour requirement, and can contact us for a shorter training option.

Is it realistic to think that enough can be learned in 72 hours?

The course covers plain film x-ray technology for the skeleton and chest. Other states would term this a “limited permit.” The course has been taught by Dr. Vlasuk for many years and is tightly-packed, highly refined, and covers just the material needed in practical usage.

Classroom academic material is supplemented by required in-person training, conducted by the student’s sponsoring doctor. This portion of the training is designed to familiarize the student with their equipment and to provide practice in patient positioning.

What are the state requirements for x-ray techs?

In 1991 the Washington Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission (CQAC, the chiropractic licensing board) enacted a 48-hour training requirement for chiropractic x-ray technicians. In 2023, this requirement was increased to 72 hours. Chiropractic x-ray technicians must complete the entire 42 hours of academic training and 30 hours of in-person training, and pass an exam given at the end of the course.

Washington state law does not currently specify any educational requirements for limited x-ray technicians who work in medical, osteopathic, naturopathic, and podiatric practices. Students from those offices can contact us for a shorter training option!

Hospitals, radiology labs, and some larger group practices require that their x-ray personnel be fully-trained radiologic technologists (minimum 2-3 year college training program) and ARRT (American Registry of Radiologic Technologists) certified. This is done as a job requirement (and often for accreditation purposes), but not because state law requires it.

Is there a time limit for me to finish the course?

Overall, you’ll have one year from the date of your first Zoom class to complete all the hours and take the final exam.

The first 20 hours of the Zoom class are obviously on a fixed schedule, and you must attend all of those hours as scheduled. After that, the rest of the course can be completed at your own pace.

The in-house training from your sponsoring doctor can be done on whatever schedule works for you and the office. You might decide to cram it all into a couple of weekends, or you might decide to spend an hour after work every day for a month — it’s entirely up to you.

You can begin the on-demand videos any time after you finish the 20 hours of Zoom class.

Can I use this training to work in a chiropractic office?


Can I use this training to work in a private medical or osteopathic office in WA state?

Yes, although you can also contact us for a shorter training option for non-chiropractic facilities.

Can I use this training to work in a hospital?

Probably not in most cases. (See above answer on state requirements for x-ray techs.)

What else do I need to do to start taking x-rays?

This course provides the necessary 42 hours of classroom training in x-ray technology and safety (20 hours live via Zoom, and 22 hours via self-paced videos). A certificate of attendance is provided for the actual number of hours attended.

Chiropractic personnel need to be certain to complete all 72 hours and must pass an examination given at the end of the class.

Chiropractic personnel must pay a fee and submit an application to the WA Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission, after receiving their course completion certificate and passing the exam.

Personnel from fields other than chiropractic need to register with the WA Department of Health, and can contact us for a shorter course option.

What am I called when I finish the course and complete my registration process?

Chiropractic x-ray technician.

The term “radiology technologist” (“radtech”) is reserved for individuals who complete a 2-3 year college training program in Radiologic Technology and are ARRT certified.

Do these hours count for chiropractic x-ray technician CE credit?

Yes. Chiropractic x-ray technicians can use any 6 out of the 48 hours for their required continuing education credit; however, Dr. Vlasuk also offers separate 6-hour x-ray CE courses twice each year that are designed for more advanced training.

(Experienced x-ray techs from all specialties, as well as doctors, are welcome to attend the 6-hour Continuing Education courses, but those are not designed for the beginning student.)

Do these hours count for DC re-licensure CE credit?

Yes. So do the 6-hour x-ray CE courses; however, Dr. Vlasuk also offers separate 12-hour courses specifically designed for doctors.

All of these seminars are automatically approved for Washington and Oregon.

All of these seminars are applied for and approved each year for Alaska.

Do these hours count for AAMA CE re-certification?

Yes. So do the 6-hour x-ray CE courses.

I can't attend the upcoming seminar. When will it be held again?

The 20-hour Zoom class weekend is offered approximately once a month. Dates are listed on the seminar calendar. After you complete those 20 hours, the rest of the course is at your own pace.

Make sure you’ve joined our email list, to stay updated about the seminar schedule.

Is there anything I should do to prepare for the course?

While these courses are designed for beginners, it helps reduce the burden of learning a large amount of new material in a short period of time if you first review skeletal anatomy, familiarize yourself with the x-ray equipment in your office, and observe x-rays being taken in the office. This is not an absolute prerequisite, but it just makes it easier on you.